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Friday, July 31, 2015

Follow Me On Bloglovin'!

Hey everybody,

Back in the day, (insert yawn here), I used Google Reader to follow all of my favourite bloggers in a feed. Since Google Reader bit the dust (RIP), I find I just don't read as many blogs. Now that I am blogging again, I am finding out what all the cool kids are doing in the blogging world. The great folks at Brain Ninjas told me about Bloglovin' so I got my tail straight over there and signed up!

Here is the link to my blog there: Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Come on over and see what's happening with all of the other teacher bloggers!

 Keep on keepin' it real,

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Book Study: The Power of Understanding People - Wanna Join Hands and Sing KumBaYah with Us?

Hey everyone,

The other day, Hot Husband and I were having a conversation about an acquaitance who behaved in a way that was extremely strange. As this was not the first time I have felt this way during interactions with this person, I need to consider whether I should make some serious life changes in the coming year as I have done my best to "seek to understand" where she is coming from and avoiding her is not necessarily possible. This person is a very kind, generous, loving person who struggles with relationships, but I don't think she realizes it and always thinks it is someone else that is in the wrong. Anybody know anybody like that??

I am a BIG personality and I know it. A little Tracey goes a long way. I seek to understand the jackassery of myself just as much as I seek to understand the jackassery of others. One of the best parts of getting older is developing a level of self-awareness that lets you recognize your faults and realize it is okay to have them. Sometimes, I really have some work to do in order to make a situation work and sometimes I just need to say "Suck it!" to the other personal and move on.

As teachers, we have to have engage in such intense and complex relationships with many people. So when Hot Hub reminded me of a speaker that he heard at a work event a while ago that was really helpful, I dug out the book and started skimming. OMG - I think I know why this person and I are approaching this situation from different perspectives! So, I'm going to dig deeper into the book - anybody want to come along for the ride?

I am going to start reading it tonight, so if you want to hop on board, get a digital copy, audio copy or run out to that bookstore and grab a copy! If you don't want to read it, but want the Reader's Digest version, just keep tuning in here and/or into my periscope broadcasts about it to the gist of it. I love to summarize and analyze while reading. Sometimes I even make study guides to go with the books I love. Yep, I'm a geek and I love being a geek!

After this, we will all be perfect, join hands, sing KumBaYa and see rainbows and unicorns. Oh and don't forget about spontaneous outbursts of singing and jazzhands, too! Nah, I am just being sarcastic. But any help I can get to keep my relationships strong - sign me up!

 Follow me by subscribing by email along the top right side, follow me on twitter (@sarcteachmusing) or periscope for these updates. Email me at if you want to chat more.

Let's figure each other out. And let's drink wine, okay???


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Why Am I Blogging, You Say??

Greeting Earthlings,

Since I just started up this whole "Sarcastic Teacher" thingee (note: I have always been sarcastic), I wanted to have some kind of order to the chaos. I enjoy structure and order. Especially alphabetic order and anything that involves pretty colours and office supplies. It keeps the crazy down to a manageable level. So while watching SheilaJaneTeaching on Periscope today, she gave me motivation to get this train on the track. Would you like me to give a shout-out every blogpost or periscope, Sheila Jane? It is quite possible, due to your level of fabulousness!! If so, I'll have to put it on my list of requirements... #powertothequails

Anywho, I first started to blog in 2008 as a place for my students to interact with me in an educational, digital environment. All of the important peeps said I should do it, but when my kids would go to the computer room (yes, we all had one of these back then) and enter my url, guess what? BLOCKED - you can not access this site because of the following content: BLOGGING. Yep, blogging was a bad thing that bad people did. Oy vey, pass the wine. I had to write a formal request to my central office to get my EDUCATIONAL blog from EDUBLOGS that is being used to teach my kids how to be DIGITAL CITIZENS unblocked so they could interact with me at school. At their homes with no supervision - sure. At school with me right beside them - no dice.

DISCLAIMER: I will now go to the fridge and get a glass of wine from the ever-present box that resides there everytime I refer to my central office. They are very nice people, really they are!! Especially my fellow sarcastic teacher-in-crime, Kara, but I simply DETEST bureaucracy and anything that stops me from teaching my kids. DON'T POKE THE BEAR!

Okay, I've recovered and have "Big Carl" in hand for any future outbursts. (If you don't know what "Big Carl" is you obviously don't watch Cougar Town and need to give yourself a slap, and go directly to Netflix after you read this post!)

Solution: Switch to "wordpress" from "edublogs" because wordpress doesn't have the word "blog" in it and therefore won't get blocked.Yep, kids. Get around the system. Have I mentioned what a role model I am for them??

Below are my blogs before this year:
I also had two other blogs that I have deleted because I would like to keep my job and some people might not enjoy the content. One was about trashy tv and one was a parody on rubrics. My friends and I developed a rubric to determine the sketchiness of an entertainment venue (that's a nice way of saying it!) by giving it 1-5 mugs of beer. Determining the criteria was hilarious! The research process was gruelling...

Earlier this year, I decided to start a new blog about things that are just fun to me and those that know me. Makeup, clothes, shopping, stupid people... You know, the basics of life. It can be found here and sometimes I make YouTube videos an Perioscopes to go with this blog as well:
Which brings us (FINALLY!) to this blog. This blog is meant for anyone that loves education and loves to laugh. That's my only purpose. I don't care if 1 person reads it or if 1000 people read it. It feels good to express myself in writing on a regular basis and it makes me a better writer/teacher of writing, too! You know that whole, write as a reader and read as a writer thing. Maybe something I write might help another teacher who is going through the same thing? That would be grrrrrrrreat!

So, that's all folks. Have you figured out yet, that trying to be concise is difficult for me? I have bullet points in my head, but I love language and how it flows, so sometimes it goes on and on... If you don't like it. Well, you can suck it. Really, you can.


Friday, July 17, 2015

Step Away from the Technology...At Least for a Few Hours!!

Hello fellow sarcastic teachers!

I have called you here today to have an intervention - on myself!! Ever since I discovered "The Periscope", I have been tied to my technology almost 24/7. I might miss something! Below is my workstation for the last few days on my recliner couch (minus the dog, wine, candy). I blame this addiction on @sheilajteaching who got me all excited about "The Periscope" with her perpetual perkiness and enthusiasm. Yes, I'm looking at you, Sheila. "Let's drink wine and scope!" she said innocently...

Note the iPod is plugged into the computer so it doesn't die while watching scopes, as is my Note3 phone for texts, calls, etc... if I am watching something else. Note the multiple tabs open on the computer so I can watch something on YouTube or post something if I don't feel like typing on a tiny keyboard.  I also have a pair of headphones, because God forbid my children should want to interact with their mother. (Hot Hub has been out of town and the kids are independent. Wait - I thought I had 2 kids???) What you can't see is my notebook for jotting ideas if I don't feel like typing, my wide variety of colourful pens/stickies as well as the permanent ass-print on the couch.

Okay the tech party is over - Hot Hub is back in town and the house looks like - well, messy, like it usually does (okay maybe worse), my ears hurt from the headphones and I think I'm starting to emit a faint odour called "Stinky Tech Teacher". When your dog's breath smells better than you, it's time to step away from the technology.

I'm going to snuggle with my kids, turn off my notifications and either have a nap or watch a trashy tv show or maybe even shower. (Not clean the house, though.) When Hot Hub gets home from work, I will hopefully greet him with a "fresher" appearance.

Signing off. For now. I'm setting a timer and not letting myself go back on social media until at least after supper. Really, I'm not. Not even if you tried. Where's my notebook? I've got some ideas for my first scope...


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Periscope is Awesome! Apparently, I Needed Another Addiction...

Hey everyone,

Summer holidays have always been a time of renewal, relaxation and growth. Some years, it took me 1 week to "decompress" and sometimes it took most of the summer. This year, I did a "Brain Dump" a few days after school was done that included successes, areas for growth and interesting observations. I will do a post on this as it was really helpful for me to decompress and be ready to relax and enjoy the holiday. However, I was still not ready to do housework...

One of my goals for the summer was to reconnect on Twitter with other educators. I was actively involved on Twitter when I was writing educational policy, but I wanted a fresh start as many of my contacts were political and academic and not as many were frontline educators. So I launched a new account based on this blog and I was back on the bike.

So many great educators to learn from! After I followed a whole bunch of people and engaged in some conversations, I watched a few Periscope videos. For those that don't know, Periscope is used for making videos and broadcasting them live. Think Google Hangouts broadcast to a larger audience and easier. Here is a Periscope video that describes Periscope:

Periscope Tutorial - Technologyguru77

Me, share my opinions and ideas with others? No, I'm a little shy... Okay, I call BS on myself. This sounds great!! Tell me in the comments or on Twitter some topics that I should use for future Periscopes!


Monday, July 13, 2015

Welcome from The Sarcastic Teacher!

Hey everyone, It's summer vacation and I am trying to be as lazy as possible. I've been trying to avoid doing math, but I do believe this is my 23rd summer vacation as a teacher. (24 years teaching but you don't get the vacation until after your first year is complete, right?) If I've calculated incorrectly, please feel free to suck it, because I don't care. The best part about getting older is being able to tell people to suck it and you really don't care.
I have written numerous blogs on numerous subjects, but my education-focused blogs have usually been quite serious. Although that certainly is a part of my personality, most people know me as a sarcastic idiot, so why not let my true colours show through? I recently started a personal blog about my interests outside of education called "Traceyland", so I decided to extend the sarcasm to my educational pursuits, as well. Like my Traceyland Blog, I hope to supplement this blog with videos of my adventures. Wanna come along for the ride? Of course you do. I can almost hear you getting smarter by reading this blog.