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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Book Study: The Power of Understanding People - Wanna Join Hands and Sing KumBaYah with Us?

Hey everyone,

The other day, Hot Husband and I were having a conversation about an acquaitance who behaved in a way that was extremely strange. As this was not the first time I have felt this way during interactions with this person, I need to consider whether I should make some serious life changes in the coming year as I have done my best to "seek to understand" where she is coming from and avoiding her is not necessarily possible. This person is a very kind, generous, loving person who struggles with relationships, but I don't think she realizes it and always thinks it is someone else that is in the wrong. Anybody know anybody like that??

I am a BIG personality and I know it. A little Tracey goes a long way. I seek to understand the jackassery of myself just as much as I seek to understand the jackassery of others. One of the best parts of getting older is developing a level of self-awareness that lets you recognize your faults and realize it is okay to have them. Sometimes, I really have some work to do in order to make a situation work and sometimes I just need to say "Suck it!" to the other personal and move on.

As teachers, we have to have engage in such intense and complex relationships with many people. So when Hot Hub reminded me of a speaker that he heard at a work event a while ago that was really helpful, I dug out the book and started skimming. OMG - I think I know why this person and I are approaching this situation from different perspectives! So, I'm going to dig deeper into the book - anybody want to come along for the ride?

I am going to start reading it tonight, so if you want to hop on board, get a digital copy, audio copy or run out to that bookstore and grab a copy! If you don't want to read it, but want the Reader's Digest version, just keep tuning in here and/or into my periscope broadcasts about it to the gist of it. I love to summarize and analyze while reading. Sometimes I even make study guides to go with the books I love. Yep, I'm a geek and I love being a geek!

After this, we will all be perfect, join hands, sing KumBaYa and see rainbows and unicorns. Oh and don't forget about spontaneous outbursts of singing and jazzhands, too! Nah, I am just being sarcastic. But any help I can get to keep my relationships strong - sign me up!

 Follow me by subscribing by email along the top right side, follow me on twitter (@sarcteachmusing) or periscope for these updates. Email me at if you want to chat more.

Let's figure each other out. And let's drink wine, okay???



  1. I love this blog! I will be back! Please get on Bloglovin so I can read more on my phone! :) It's like you're the little voice in my head.

    You might be the right kind of person to respond to my post on the different types of people you have to work with. lol

    Come visit
    ~A from Brain Ninjas
    Brain Ninja Notes

  2. Hey, hey - thanks for the love! I'm on Bloglovin now so search me out! I didn't even know what Bloglovin was (I used to use Google Reader until those buggers shut it down!!) I will definitely check out your post on different people we work with. Keep in touch! - T.
